Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Baked Moi Moi

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Baked Moi Moi.

Baked Moi Moi You can cook Baked Moi Moi using 9 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Baked Moi Moi

  1. Prepare of Beans.
  2. You need of Oil.
  3. You need of Green pepper.
  4. Prepare of Bonnet.
  5. It's of Onion.
  6. You need of Red pepper.
  7. You need of Egg.
  8. It's of Baking powder.
  9. It's of Seasoning.

Baked Moi Moi instructions

  1. Saok beans for mnt.
  2. Then sai a surfa shi.
  3. Wash it nd remove d residue.
  4. Put it n a bladder, add all the ingredients together.
  5. Blend it well until it become sticky,then boil d egg,.
  6. Get a baking pan, grease it wit oil.
  7. Pour d mixture into d pan.
  8. Garnished if wit chopped green pepper, red pepper, onion, egg.
  9. Lastly baked it for 30mnt.