Recipe: Yummy Moi moi with boiled egg sauce

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Moi moi with boiled egg sauce. Here is how to cook moi moi with raw eggs. In this video we make the moi moi from.scratch using the taw egg and beans moi moi postwd on my blog. Moi-moi or Moin-Moin is one of the most popular dishes in Nigeria.

Moi moi with boiled egg sauce Traditional moi moi is wrapped in Banana or ewe eran leaves. Cook's Codfish and Potatoes, Pickles, and OlivesAs receitas lá de casa. Add all the moi moi ingredients above leaving the boiled eggs for later. You can have Moi moi with boiled egg sauce using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Moi moi with boiled egg sauce

  1. Prepare of Beans.
  2. It's of Pepper.
  3. You need of Onion.
  4. You need of Maggi.
  5. Prepare of Curry.
  6. You need of Onga.
  7. You need of V.oil.
  8. Prepare of Boiled egg.

Check for salt and add if needed. Do you know that moi moi can be served with boiled yam or boiled unripe plantain? It is made of beans and some other local ingredients. The recipe for beans pudding is not as straight forward as the recipe for porridge beans or even jollof rice but with time and a little keenness, however.

Moi moi with boiled egg sauce step by step

  1. Da farko zaki wanke waken ki kisa masa attarugu da albasa kiyi blending yayi dan ruwa ba sosai ba seki zuba maggi,curry,onga da gishiri kadan.
  2. Seki samu leda ki shafamar mangyada ki kulla shi kisa ruwa a tukunya ki zuba kibarshi ya dahu.
  3. Seki samu plate kiyi dicing kwai din ki yayyanka attarugu da albasa seki zuba mangyada a tukunya kijuye attarugu da albasan akai idan yafara taushi seki juye kwai kisa maggi da curry dinki kadan ki zuba ruwa spoon 3 ki juya kibashi 2 minutes seki sauke......

Moin Moin/Moi moi is a Nigerian Beans pudding cake. I love this food because of it's versatility. It can go along with different meals. Combine the blended mixture with the remaining ingredients except the boiled Eggs. Spray or oil the container you will be using then pour in the mixture and cover it with a.