Recipe: Tasty My Bacon Black Pudding & fried Egg Muffin. 😘

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

My Bacon Black Pudding & fried Egg Muffin. 😘.

My Bacon Black Pudding & fried Egg Muffin. 😘 You can cook My Bacon Black Pudding & fried Egg Muffin. 😘 using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of My Bacon Black Pudding & fried Egg Muffin. 😘

  1. It's of Toasted muffin cut in half.
  2. Prepare of Bacon.
  3. It's of Cheese Slice.
  4. You need of Black pudding.
  5. Prepare of Fried Egg.
  6. You need of little Holladaise Sauce.

My Bacon Black Pudding & fried Egg Muffin. 😘 instructions

  1. Bacon and Black pudding start to cook under a grill. Cook until Done..
  2. Next toast the muffins then add a little oil to the pan to fry the egg sunny side up cook on low to ensure the yolk is soft but the white of the egg is also cooked..
  3. Butter the the muffins add the bottom muffin to the serving plate. Add the bacon folded in half. Next add the black pudding slice on top of the bacon..
  4. Then the cheese slice on top of black pudding. Next the fried egg then finish with the hollandaise sauce and add the top muffin..
  5. Serve while hot.