Recipe: Delicious Jello Fruit Salad

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Jello Fruit Salad.

Jello Fruit Salad You can cook Jello Fruit Salad using 6 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Jello Fruit Salad

  1. It's of Cream cheese.
  2. It's of Cool whip.
  3. You need of Box of Cherry jello.
  4. You need of Crushed pineapple (drained).
  5. You need of Mandarin oranges (drained).
  6. It's of Fresh apple (cut up in small pieces).

Jello Fruit Salad instructions

  1. In a mixing bowl add softened cream cheese, cool whip and the box of jello. Do not add water to the jello mix, just add as a powder. Mix together well with blender. Add fruit and stir into mixture. Let cool in fridge then serve..