Recipe: Tasty Sparkle Sesame-Peanut Candies

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sparkle Sesame-Peanut Candies.

Sparkle Sesame-Peanut Candies You can have Sparkle Sesame-Peanut Candies using 6 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sparkle Sesame-Peanut Candies

  1. It's of black sesame seeds.
  2. You need of white sesame seeds.
  3. You need of peanut.
  4. Prepare of honey.
  5. You need of ghee/oil.
  6. You need of powered sugar.

Sparkle Sesame-Peanut Candies step by step

  1. Heat a pan add black sesame seeds and toast them on medium heat for about 2-3 mins.stir frequently.take off in a bowl..
  2. Now add white sesame seeds and toast for 2-3 mins on medium heat.Stir occasionally. transfer into the black sesame seeds bowl and mix both seeds..
  3. Meanwhile in a microsafe bowl/ tray place raw peanuts and roast them for 2 mins. remove skin and keep aside..
  4. Now in a pan add honey,oil and powdered sugar..
  5. Stir until sugar dissolved completely..
  6. Add both sesame seeds and peanuts, switch off the heat, and mix until seeds well combined with the syrup..
  7. Pour into a greased tray, spread evenly with the help of spatula.cut it into desired shape using cookie cutter, then insert a toothpick in each candy.(do this process quickly)..
  8. Yummy, delicious candies are ready..
  9. .