Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Ugali and fried eggs

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ugali and fried eggs. Hi Guys, so today i am talking my Husband into embracing the African/Kenyan Food. Ugali - Common African food, goes by different names. Ugali - Common African food, goes by different names.

Ugali and fried eggs A staple in Kenya, this polenta-like dish is also eaten in several other African countries. Fried Fish with Tomato Gravy and Ugali - Pika Chakula. We Kenyan's love our fish and why should we not? You can have Ugali and fried eggs using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Ugali and fried eggs

  1. Prepare of large eggs.
  2. Prepare of Ugali afya unga.
  3. It's of large tomato.
  4. You need of large onion.

We get fresh Tilapia fish from Lake Victoria in the Nyanza province. Free range organic eggs are a useful source of Vitamin D which helps to protect bones, preventing osteoporosis and rickets. Ugali, also known as ugali pap, nsima and nshima, is a type of maize flour porridge made in Africa. It is also known as ngima, obusuma, obuchima, kimnyet, nshima, mieliepap, phutu, sadza, kwon,gauli.

Ugali and fried eggs instructions

  1. Boil water for ugali and cook as normal ugali,ugali afya is very nutritious and good for diabetics too..
  2. Cut the onion and tomato add to oil and fry them,add beaten eggs and cook to your liking,the softer the better to go down better with Ugali..
  3. Serve hot and enjoy..

Ugali (Corn Fufu) -- Easy to prep, soft, very delightful and filling side dish. A perfect cornmeal side dish for greens, stews and proteins. Unlike Luhya baes who would rather just serve a quick meal of Ugali and skuma and call it a day after a long day, serve up some seasoned scrambled eggs and keep your. Nigerian Ugali: Classic African cuisine side dish recipe with easy, step-by-step instructions and resources to obtain traditional and authentic ingredients. Ugali is usually served as an accompaniment to meat or vegetable stews, greens or soured milk.