Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Soft Char Siu Pork Belly Cooked In A Pressure Cooker

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Soft Char Siu Pork Belly Cooked In A Pressure Cooker.

Soft Char Siu Pork Belly Cooked In A Pressure Cooker You can cook Soft Char Siu Pork Belly Cooked In A Pressure Cooker using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Soft Char Siu Pork Belly Cooked In A Pressure Cooker

  1. You need of Pork belly block.
  2. You need of Ginger (grated).
  3. It's of Japanese leek (the green part).
  4. It's of ☆ Soy sauce.
  5. It's of ☆ Sake.
  6. It's of ☆ Mirin.
  7. Prepare of ☆ Sugar.

Soft Char Siu Pork Belly Cooked In A Pressure Cooker instructions

  1. Cut up the pork so it will fit in the pressure cooker. Brown the pieces of meat on all sides..
  2. Put the pork in the pressure cooker, and add ginger and enough water to cover the ingredients. Position the lid on and pressurize once it starts the steam..
  3. Turn off the heat and leave to cool. When the pressure comes down, open the lid and skim off the scum. Add the ☆ ingredients, bring the pressure back up, and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and leave to de-pressurize naturally..
  4. Slice the meat. Transfer the meat and its juices to a microwave safe container with a lid, and leave in the refrigerator overnight. The next day you'll have flavorful char siu pork..
  5. Save the cooking liquid by skimming off the white fat that comes to the surface and transferring to another container. Use it in fried rice or as a simmering sauce to season boiled eggs and so forth..
  6. The char siu is great on ramen or hot somen noodles. It's melt-in-your-mouth soft!.
  7. Here's some fried rice made with the char siu..