How to Cook Perfect Mango-Coffee Smoothie with Ice-cream & chocolate syrup

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mango-Coffee Smoothie with Ice-cream & chocolate syrup.

Mango-Coffee Smoothie with Ice-cream & chocolate syrup You can cook Mango-Coffee Smoothie with Ice-cream & chocolate syrup using 15 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Mango-Coffee Smoothie with Ice-cream & chocolate syrup

  1. Prepare of big size yellow mango pulp.
  2. It's of cold milk.
  3. It's of ice cube.
  4. Prepare of sugar.
  5. It's of coffee.
  6. Prepare of glucose biscuit.
  7. You need of vanila ice-cream.
  8. You need of chocolate syrup.
  9. You need of mint leaves.
  10. It's of For garnished-:.
  11. Prepare of Grapes.
  12. It's of Mango cubes.
  13. It's of Mint leaves.
  14. It's of Pistachio.
  15. It's of chocolate powder.

Mango-Coffee Smoothie with Ice-cream & chocolate syrup step by step

  1. For smoothie collect mango pulp,grapes,ice-cream,coffee,sugar and chocolate syrup..
  2. Blend the mango pulp with milk,sugar,3 to 4 ice cube,⅛ tsp coffee powder,and 2 mint leaves and and scoop ice-cream into a thik shake. Keep aside..
  3. Now 2nd step blend ¼ tsp coffee powder,3 biscuit and 1tbsp milk with ¼ tsp sugar. A thik coffee biscuit paste is ready..
  4. Pour the mango shake into serving glasses in ½ layer,now add ⅓ layer of coffee-biscuit paste over the mango skake layer and top with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. Garnished with nuts and fruits with mint leaves..
  5. Sprinkle with chocolate powder & chocolate syrup. Serve immediately or freez it after 2 to 4 hr..