Recipe: Perfect Japanese cake covered with fondant

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Japanese cake covered with fondant. Hi and welcome back to my kitchen. For me one of the most important things when it comes to making cakes is making sure you have a well covered cake as a. Fondant-covered cakes have a smooth, professional look that's easy to achieve.

Japanese cake covered with fondant Covering a sponge cake with fondant need not be a stressful job, with a little bit of practice, you'll be amazed at how good you get with it! Using rolled fondant/sugarpaste - see the fondant page for homemade recipe and more do's and don'ts. Always knead it, adding a little white vegetable fat, for a. You can cook Japanese cake covered with fondant using 5 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Japanese cake covered with fondant

  1. You need of icing sugar.
  2. You need of water.
  3. It's of gelatin.
  4. You need of glucose syrup.
  5. You need of Glycerin.

Covering a cake in fondant is not difficult. My best advice is to take your time and stay focused. Like anything, the more you work with fondant the easier it will become to achieve a smooth finish. Don't worry if you have a few folds and creases.

Japanese cake covered with fondant step by step

  1. Sieve the sugar.
  2. Put in a bowl and make a well.
  3. Put water into a bowl over a boiler, add gelatin and stir.
  4. Add the glucose syrup and stir.
  5. Add into the sugar and knead.
  6. Place on a flat surface and knead.
  7. Knead until paliable.
  8. It should look like this.

Especially if this is your very first try. I have recently discovered the world of "cake decorating". For these cakes I had to buy some material and tools: white fondant, food colouring pastes, spatulas, a fondant hi there! i am planning to make a chocolate butter cake and cover it with fondant. a friend told me that it would be. The vast majority of cake decorators cover their cakes with either ganache or buttercream before applying fondant. Cold, firm cakes are the best canvas for achieving smooth fondant success whether you use ganache, meringue-based buttercream or a crusting buttercream.