Recipe: Tasty Firiki apple spoon sweet

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Firiki apple spoon sweet. Firiki Apple Spoon Sweet (Glyko Koutaliou me Mila Firikio) It's such a good dessert not only because of it's excellent taste also because those apples are highly resisting nature's harms like direct sun relative to other apples so it can be kept for a long time without putting it in the fridge. This spoon sweet is made with Firiki apple, a variety of dwarf apples that are mostly cultivated in the area of Mount Pelion. The apples that grow on the mountain of the centaurs, Pelion, are famous for their aroma and their taste.

Firiki apple spoon sweet The recipe your own … Firiki spoon sweet from Pilion. From the Women's Cooperative of Zagora. ingredients. Add the almonds and the lemon juice to prevent the crystallization of sugar and to get a nice. You can cook Firiki apple spoon sweet using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Firiki apple spoon sweet

  1. You need of firiki apples.
  2. It's of sugar.
  3. Prepare of water.
  4. It's of the juice of one lemon.
  5. It's of cinnamon sticks.
  6. You need of [].
  7. You need of blanched almonds (optionally).
  8. It's of glucose syrup.

Preserved seasonal fruits are called spoon sweets in Greek cooking. They make for some of the The spectrum of spoon sweets follows the seasons: quince and apples in the fall; bitter oranges product; Pelion is famous for the spoon sweet made with the small firiki apple variety; while western. Firiki apple spoon sweet. Πρωτοχρονιάτικη κρεατόπιτα. Πίτα γαλοπούλας χριστουγεννιάτικη. Spoon sweets, on the surface, may look the same as jams and jellies.

Firiki apple spoon sweet step by step

  1. Peel and decore the firikia using the special tool. Place them in a bowl with water adding the lemon juice so that they don't brown. Boil the sugar with the water and the glucose syrup..
  2. When it starts boiling and the sugar has dissolved add the firikia, the cinnamon and the cloves and let everything boil, skimming off the foam constantly until the sweet thickens..
  3. Let it cool, remove the cinnamon and the cloves and fill the empty core of the fyrikia with the almonds..
  4. Store the sweet in clean jars..

However, they are vastly different, especially since spoon sweets are slightly thinner and have different flavor profiles. For this recipe, you'll want to use the freshest apples you can find. Glyko Milo - apple spoon sweet. Spoon sweets are as typical of Greek cooking, as feta and olive oil, and used to be the pinnacle of Greek hospitality, always available for guests that would drop by unannounced. Sur le marché, j'ai craqué pour ces petites pommes que l'on appelle ici "Firiki".