Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Tami's Braciole

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Tami's Braciole.

Tami's Braciole You can cook Tami's Braciole using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Tami's Braciole

  1. Prepare of thin sliced beef steaks.
  2. Prepare of salt & pepper, to taste.
  3. You need of provolone cheese.
  4. Prepare of whole fresh mushrooms sliced thin.
  5. It's of red & green peppers, sliced into thin strips.
  6. Prepare of olive oil.
  7. Prepare of good red wine.
  8. Prepare of cups of homemade or store bought Italian style tomato based spaghetti sauce. If homemade sauce is used make it the day before..

Tami's Braciole step by step

  1. Season steak with salt & pepper. Place cheese, mushrooms & a few strips of peppers onto one end of the beef and roll up into a bundle..
  2. Heat pan add olive oil, brown bundles a few at a time on all side..
  3. Place all bundles into pan add wine & sauce, cook for 30 minutes..
  4. ENJOY !!.