Easiest Way to Cook Tasty Red Wine Pork Yok

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Red Wine Pork Yok.

Red Wine Pork Yok You can have Red Wine Pork Yok using 12 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Red Wine Pork Yok

  1. It's of pork chops.
  2. It's of noodles.
  3. It's of green pepper.
  4. Prepare of onions.
  5. Prepare of mushrooms.
  6. It's of broccoli.
  7. You need of red wine.
  8. It's of jar garlic.
  9. Prepare of Sazon.
  10. Prepare of Adobo.
  11. You need of black pepper.
  12. Prepare of botttle soysauce.

Red Wine Pork Yok instructions

  1. Boil noodles while noodles are boiling cut up onions broccoli green peppers mushrooms.
  2. in a pot start to simmer garlic with the red wine sauce.
  3. after simmering garlic and wine add all veggies you cut with soy sauce and mix in pot together put lid on and turn fire on low.
  4. take noodles off stove rinse and let them sit in strainer with a lid.
  5. start to cut thawed pork chops in to cubs keep bones if preferred.
  6. put pork chops in saute pan and apply the Sason adobo and black pepper cover pan.
  7. after pork chops are done get noodles add to big enough pot that will hold everything.
  8. pour the pot of veggies on to noodles mix together then pour pork chops and mix together.
  9. enjoy.