Recipe: Appetizing Ceviche Cocktail 1990 Style

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ceviche Cocktail 1990 Style.

Ceviche Cocktail 1990 Style You can cook Ceviche Cocktail 1990 Style using 10 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Ceviche Cocktail 1990 Style

  1. Prepare of Clamato (cold).
  2. Prepare of fine dice sweet onion.
  3. Prepare of large avacado cubed.
  4. Prepare of cucumber cubed.
  5. You need of peeled, ready to eat, diced shrimp.
  6. Prepare of fine dice cilantro.
  7. You need of Lemon/Lime (squeezed).
  8. It's of Salt/Pepper.
  9. Prepare of green onion diced.
  10. You need of fine dice jalapeño.

Ceviche Cocktail 1990 Style instructions

  1. Combine all ingredients into a glass, or plastic container, mix well and enjoy! Super easy recipe, you can add or retract whatever ingredients you want for a customized fresh cocktail treat!.
  2. Add or subtract Clamato per desired “soupiness.” Also, add and subtract any ingredient per desired flavors. If you know how to cook small scallops, add them, they only enhance the dish..