Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Shrimp Ankake Sauce on Chilled Winter Melon

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Shrimp Ankake Sauce on Chilled Winter Melon.

Shrimp Ankake Sauce on Chilled Winter Melon You can cook Shrimp Ankake Sauce on Chilled Winter Melon using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Shrimp Ankake Sauce on Chilled Winter Melon

  1. Prepare of Winter melon.
  2. You need of Shrimp.
  3. You need of Edamame.
  4. You need of ★Dashi stock.
  5. It's of ★Salt.
  6. You need of ★Usukuchi soy sauce.
  7. You need of Katakuriko slurry.

Shrimp Ankake Sauce on Chilled Winter Melon step by step

  1. Remove the skin of the winter melon, keeping the green parts. Prepare the shrimp and cut into 1 cm lengths. Season with 1 tablespoon of sake..
  2. Put the ★ ingredients in a pot, add the winter melon, cover with a small lid that fits on top of the contents of the pan (a drop lid or otoshibuta), and simmer for 15 minutes..
  3. Once boiled, remove the winter melon, add the shrimp and edamame, and boil quickly..
  4. Prepare the katakuriko slurry by dissolving the starch in water and add to the pan to thicken. Arrange the winter melon on a plate and spoon the thickened sauce on top. Chill as you like and serve..
  5. Simmered Squid and Daikon Radish. https://cookpad.com/us/recipes/155051-my-mothers-recipe-simmered-squid-and-daikon-radish.
  6. Fluffy Bitter Melon and Egg..
  7. Atsuage and Bitter Melon Champuruu. https://cookpad.com/us/recipes/154461-bitter-melon-champuruu-with-atsuage.
  8. Okra-stuffed Chikuwa. https://cookpad.com/us/recipes/150828-okra-stuffed-chikuwa-for-bentos.