Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Chilled Tomato Pasta with Shrimp & Scallops

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chilled Tomato Pasta with Shrimp & Scallops.

Chilled Tomato Pasta with Shrimp & Scallops You can cook Chilled Tomato Pasta with Shrimp & Scallops using 10 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Chilled Tomato Pasta with Shrimp & Scallops

  1. It's of Pasta (Cappelini).
  2. You need of Tomatoes.
  3. You need of Scallops (sashimi grade).
  4. Prepare of Shrimp.
  5. Prepare of Olive oil.
  6. You need of Grated garlic.
  7. You need of Basil.
  8. It's of Black pepper.
  9. Prepare of Lemon juice.
  10. You need of Salt.

Chilled Tomato Pasta with Shrimp & Scallops instructions

  1. Steam the tomatoes. Peel the skin and grate..
  2. Combine the olive oil with the grated garlic and the juice from the grated lemon..
  3. Add the grated tomatoes from Step 1 to the Step 2 olive oil. Season with salt to bring out the flavors and chill..
  4. Wash the scallops well in salt water. Peel and de-vein the shrimp. Wash them and steam quickly. Flavor with salt and lemon juice..
  5. Boil the pasta for 1 minute longer than instructed on the package and then chill in ice water..
  6. Thoroughly drain the Step 5 pasta and combine with the Step 3 tomato sauce..
  7. Place the shrimp and scallops from Step 4 onto the Step 6 pasta and sprinkle with black pepper..
  8. Lastly, top with basil to finish..