Recipe: Delicious Fruity Orange Jello

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Fruity Orange Jello.

Fruity Orange Jello You can have Fruity Orange Jello using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Fruity Orange Jello

  1. You need of boxes of orange jello.
  2. You need of sm. FROZEN orange juice.
  3. Prepare of crushed pineapple.
  4. It's of mandarin oranges.
  5. Prepare of sm. INSTANT lemon pudding.
  6. You need of milk.
  7. Prepare of (8oz) cool whip.

Fruity Orange Jello step by step

  1. dissolve jello in 2c HOT water in casserole dish & stir like crazy.
  2. add pineapples (undrained), oranges (drained) and orange juice and mix.
  3. refrisgerate unroll ALMOST jelled.
  4. when almost jelled make topping by mixing the lemon pudding w/ milk and cool whip. Stir until all mixed up.
  5. when jelled spread the lemon topping over jello and leave refridgerated unroll ready to serve..